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ZHENG Fanglei

郑方磊 (Félix ZHENG)

Doctor, SPHERE, Laboratory Philosophy and History of Sciences, UMR 7219

[Contact me]

- Cursus
- Themes of research
- Doctoral Thesis defended
- Master thesis
- Articles
- Communications


Sept. 2007 – Sept. 2012 :
Doctor of the University Paris Diderot, major in History of Mathematics

Sept. 2004 – March 2007 :

Master of the Shanghai Jiaotong University, major in History of Science

Sept. 1996 – June 2000 :

Bachelor of the Shanghai Jiaotong University, major in Civil Engineering

Themes of research

The mathematical texts in ancient Greece and in the middle ages ; The transmission of mathematical and astronomical knowledges from the west into China from the end of Ming Dynasty to the beginning of the Qing Dynasty

Doctoral Thesis defended

(mention : très honorable avec les félicitations du jury)

Des Data d’Euclide au De numeris datis de Jordanus de Nemore — Les données, l’analyse et les problèmes

Master thesis

Some Research on the Triparty en la science des nombres of Nicolas Chuquet


Mathesis Perennis : The Characteristics and Trends of History of Mathematics Judged from the 22nd International Congress of History of Science, Studies in the History of Natural Sciences, Vol. 25, n° 3, 2006


Conference Organised :

Meet with the young chinese researchers of the SPHERE — personal and academical presentations, Laboratory SPHERE (UMR 7219, CNRS), in Paris, the 20 Feb. 2012

Academical Presentations :

‘Les Data d’Euclide et l’analyse géométrique dans l’Antiquité’, Journée des doctorants SPHERE, Laboratory SPHERE (UMR 7219, CNRS), in Paris, the 30 june 2011

‘La différence entre théorème et problème dans la géométrie plane des Eléments jugée selon la formulation de proposition’, Journée inter-équipes des doctorants Nancy-Lyon-Paris, University Paris Diderot, in Paris, the 30 june 2010

Series of the Reports on ‘Liber Abaci of Fibonacci’, Séminaires de lecture des textes mathématiques, Laboratory REHSEIS (UMR 7596, CNRS), in Paris, the 25 march 2009, the 1st April 2009, the 8 April 2009