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Accueil > Membres > Pages personnelles > KELLER Agathe


Researcher - CNRS / Université Paris Diderot Paris 7

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I work on the mathematical practices testified by Sanskrit treatises and commentaries of the 5-12 centuries.

I am currently working on a critical edition of Caturveda Pṛthūdakṣvamin (fl. 860 )’s commentary on the mathematical chapter of the Brāhmasphuṭasiddhānta.

I also explore 19 and 20th century histories of mathematics in India written outside and within the Indian subcontinent, underlying notably their political context. I am also interested in the way critical editions and translations of mathematical texts were elaborated and then circulated and read and the influence this has had on present day historiographies.

Collaborative projects

Algo ANR

Histoy of Numerical Tables ANR


Choice of Publications


Expounding the mathematical seed, A translation of Bhâskara I, on the mathematical chapter of the Âryabhatîya . « Science Networks »,
Birkhaüser, Basel, 2006. 2 volumes.

The Glossary

On astronomy

A french extract from my PhD


With C. Montelle, Mahesh K. Numerical Tables in Sanskrit Sources in History of Numerical Tables D. Tournes ed. Springer. submitted.

With C. Singh. Multiplying Integers : on the diverse practices of medieval Sanskrit authors in Culture of computation and quantification, Chemla, Keller, Michel, Proust (eds). Completed draft.

Bhāskara I’s versified solutions of a linear indeterminate equation in special issue on the History Numerical Tables in Sanskrit, A. Keller and C. Montelle editors, IJHS, June 2014.

« Ordering operations in square root extractions, Analyzing some early medieval Sanskrit mathematical texts with the help of Speech Act Theory » in Textual Acts and the History of Science, Chemla and Virbel (eds.), Springer, 2015.

Dispelling mathematical doubts. Assessing the mathematical correctness of algorithms in Bhâskara’s commentary on the mathematical Chapter of the Âryabhatîya.’ In The History of Mathematical Proof in Ancient Traditions, K. Chemla (eds.), Cambridge University Press, 487-508, 2012.

Overlooking mathematical justifications in the Sanskrit tradition : the nuanced case of G. F. Thibaut’. In The History of Mathematical Proof in Ancient Traditions, K. Chemla (eds.), Cambridge University Press, 260-273, 2012.

« Agathe Keller. George Peacock’s Arithmetic in the Changing Landscape of the History of Mathematics in India. ». Indian Journal of History of Science, 46(2):205–234, June 2011.

On Sanskrit commentaries dealing with mathematics (VIIth-XIIth century)
In : Florence Bretelle-Establet (ed.), New corpuses in the History of Science. Boston : Springer, 2010.

« Making diagrams speak, in Bhâskara I ‘s commentary of the Âryabhatîya . » Historia Mathematica 32 (3). 2005 : 275-302. Reprinted in Mathematics and Medecine in Sanskrit, D. Wuyastyk (ed.), Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi, 2007 : 63-100.

Other texts

Mathematics Education in India, Handbook on the History of Mathematics Education, Karp and Schubring eds. 2014.

Reconstruire l’exécution des opérations élémentaires dans les sources sanskrites médiévales : des tableaux numériques éphémères ?, Journée de l’ED 4000, octobre 2013.

Notes et Débat. A letter by J. Wagner "Les lumières et l’astronomie indienne" criticizes D. Raina’s"Betwixt Jesuit and Enlightenment historiography : Jean-Sylvain Bailly’s History of Indian Astronomy in RHM, 19, Notes et Débats, 2013.

Hindu nationalism and History of Science, some reflexions, Oslo, at the Science Museum, October 23 2013.
Comment on a écrit les nombres dans le sous- continent indien, histoires et enjeux
in Séance du 17 novembre 2006. Hommage à Jean Filliozat. Edité par P. –S. Filliozat. Publications de l’Académie des Inscriptions et Belles lettres, pp 65-81. (2006-2008) In French

Qu’est-ce que les mathématiques ? les réponses taxinomiques de Bhāskara un commentateur, mathématicien et astronome indien du VIIème siècle’, In : Phillipe Hert and Marcel Paul-Cavalier (éds.), Sciences et Frontières ; pp. 29-61 : Kimé. (Échanges). (2007) In French

Is “Hindu mathematics” a European idea ?
Presentation in Barcelona, in novembre 2007.Lola Balaguer-Nunez, Luis Calvo Calvo y F. Xavier Medina (ed.) ; Publicacions de la residencia d’investigadors, 38, 2014.

Vedic Mathematics : enjeux multiples de l’histoire des sciences en Inde, une présentation faite au premier colloque du réseau Asie, en septembre 2003. in French


Le Gonomon illuminé in French

Les mathématiques sont-elles universelles ? in French

Voyages en Mathématiques in French

Des devinettes Mathématiques en Inde du Sud Math express au carrefour des culture, CJIM, 2014 in French.

Fête de la science 2013, avec C. Singh

More documents can be found here