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Accueil > Archives > Séminaires des années précédentes > Séminaires 2012–2013 : archives > History of Science, History of Text 2012–2013

Axis Recherches interdisciplinaire en histoire et philosophie des sciences

History of Science, History of Text 2012–2013

Organizer : Karine Chemla - CNRS, REHSEIS–SPHERE, with Agathe Keller, Christine Proust and group HSHT of ERC SAW.

The seminar ’History of Science, History of Text’ will mainly explore textual problems related to the ERC Project SAW — "Mathematical Sciences in the Ancient World".
The seminar will address the following issues regarding scientific sources :
  • How textual sources bear witness to the social groups that produced them
  • How textual sources testify to knowledge
  • History of compilations
  • How actors structure their texts and knowledge into parts
  • How textual sources reflect the material environment in which they were produced.

PROGRAM 2012 – 2013 : Condorcet building of the Paris Diderot University – Access map.

Thursday November 15, 2012 , room Klimt, 366A

: : Oralités et textes écrits

(organised by M. C. Bustamante, A. Keller, C. Proust)

M.-C. Bustamante (SPHERE, CNRS, & SAW)

Orality and writing in Emile Borel’s notebook

A. Keller (SPHERE, CNRS & U. Paris Diderot)

The mathematical chapter of the Āryabhatīya (499) as a compilation of oral rules

Françoise Waquet (CNRS)

Trace and loss

December 13, room Mondrian, 646A

: : Quotations, parts of texts, compilations

Fabien Simon (Université Paris Diderot)

Thresor, Thesaurus, Mithridates… : les projets de langues universelles des XVIe-XVIIe siècle, des cabinets de curiosités linguistiques ?

Stéphane Schmitt (SPHERE, CNRS, & SAW)

The significance of ancient and medieval knowledge in Buffon and his collaborators’ Histoire naturelle

Florence Bretelle-Establet (SPHERE, CNRS, & SAW)

Uses and Functions of Quotations in Chinese Medical Texts

January 10, 2013 , room Klimt, 366A

: : "Types of text" en relation avec la question "Text as document"

Bob Middeke-Conlin (SAW, SPHERE) and Cécile Michel (CNRS (HAROC) & SAW)

Classifying texts in Ancient Mesopotamia ; some definitions

Michael Friedrich (Universität Hamburg, Centre for the study of manuscript cultures)

What to do with non-documentary manuscripts found in late pre-imperial and early imperial Chinese tombs (3rd - 2nd centuries BCE) ?

February 21 , room Mondrian, 646A

: : Parts of texts/Cross-references between parts of texts/compilation

Julie Lefebvre (Université Paul Verlaine, Metz)

Approches linguistiques du découpage du texte, tour d’horizon

Erika Luciano (University Torino)
Practices of circulation and stratification of knowledge in the School of Peano : the case study of the marginalia to the ’Formulaire de Mathématiques’ (1890-1920)

Karine Chemla (CNRS, SPHERE & SAW)

Abstraction in ancient Chinese mathematical writings and parts of texts

April 25 , room Mondrian, 646A

: : Texts as documents/Parts of texts

Zhu Yiwen (SPHERE SAW)

Terminological changes in the mathematical texts of the Tang Period

Matthias Hayek (CRCAO, CNRS & Université Paris Diderot)

The sources of the Wakan sansai zue : the conditions of possibility of a compilation of knowledge in pre-modern Japan (17th-18th centuries)

Jacques Virbel (IRIT)

Segmentations génériques et segmentations auctoriales : l’exemple de La Vita Nuova de Dante alighieri

Résumé : Dans "La Vita Nuova", Dante commente lui-même des pièces de poésie dont il est l’auteur (en majorité des sonnets) et apporte des éclaircissements sur les circonstances de leur rédaction. Ce faisant, il leur associe des segmentations en parties parfois largement indépendantes des segmentations en vers et strophes imposées par le genre du "sonnet". Quelles questions cette disparité soulève-t-elle ?

June 17-23

: : Conference on the history of critical editions


Previous years
During the academic year 2010 – 2011, the seminar was organized in monthly daily workshops and examined the following issues :
  • Numerical and other kinds of tables
  • Organisation and use of scholarly writings
  • Encyclopedias
  • Paratext and material organisation of texts
  • Note taking & the Inscription of the oral
  • Critical editions of scholarly texts and history of critical editions.

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