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Phd student, Université Paris 7 - Denis Diderot.

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Me, so far

- Laurea (BA) obtained at Milan University, 2005 ; Master 1 in Logic Philosophy History and Sociology of Sciences (LOPHISS), 2006 ; Master 2 LOPHISS, 2007.

- Ancien Elève of Ecole Normale Supérieure (2005-2008).

- Phd (since september 2008) under the supervision of Marco Panza, on history and philosophy of mathematics. The subject, in more detail : "the problem of the quadrature of the circle between XVIIth and XVIIIth century, and the status of impossibility proofs".

- From October 2009 to December 2009 visiting student at Technische Universität Berlin, working with professor E. Knobloch.

- From June 2010 to September 2010 visiting student at Campinas University, working with prof. W. Carnielli.

- From October 2010 to November 2010, visiting student at York University, Philosophy Department, under the supervision of prof. M. Beaney.

Research Interests

- History of geometry from antiquity to early modern Age.

- Philosophy of mathematical practices, with particular interest for the role of diagrams in mathematical practice and for the status of problems of impossibility in early modern mathematics.

Interets (or, what I could do if only I woke up earlier)

- Elementary Geometry, its modern treatments, its logical aspects.
- Henri Poincaré’s philosophy of geometry.

Seminars, conferences

- 22nd November 2010. "The exact way beyond cartesian limits. Impossibility and the Geometrical/mechanical distinction". Talk given in the Séminaire Histoire et Philosophie des mathématiques. Problèmes d’impossibilités en mathématiques (REHSEIS, Univ. paris 7, Paris).

- 1st October 2010. "Transconfigurational Analysis as Metamathematics ?", communication given at the conference : "Mathematical Analysis and the Origin of Analytic Philosophy", organized by M. Beaney and M. Panza.

- 22nd September 2010. Talk given at Campinas State University : "O papel da simplicidade na matematica : algumas observaçoes historicas" (The role of simplicity in mathematics : some historical observations. In portuguese).

- 19th August 2010. IV Séminario de Historia e Filosofia da Ciencia, Ilhéus. Talk : "Exactness and shift in geometrical Intelligibility. The case of the cycloid" (talk given in Portuguese).

- 28th May, 2010. Journée Doctorants, ED 400, Université Paris 7. Talk : "Résolution ou dissolution d’un Problème ? Le Cas de la Quadrature du Cercle"

- 09th November 2009. IP seminar, Paris. Communication : "As Simple as Possible, Descartes’ Algebraic Interpretation of Pappus’ norm".

- 22nd June 2009. « Coloquio de Historia e Filosofia da ciência », Univesidade Federal do Paraná, Curitiba. Communication : “La preuve cartésienne de la quadrature du cercle” (Descartes’ proof of the quadrature of the circle).

- 27th April 2009. Séminaire Histoire et Philosophie des mathématiques. Pratiques de problèmes (REHSEIS, Univ. paris 7, Paris). Communication : “La preuve cartésienne de la quadrature du cercle : le statut des problèmes impossibles dans la constitution des frontières du géométrique” (Descartes’ proof of the Quadrature of the Circle : the status of impossible problems for the constitution of the limits of geometry").

- 9th - 11th October 2008, Paris. « Workshop on the role of diagrams in mathematics : history, logic, philosophy and cognitive sciences », Organized by REHSEIS and Stanford University. Communication : " To prove the evident. On the inferential role of diagrams in Euclid’s plane geometry".

- 19th september 2008. Seminar given at Federal University of Rio de Janeiro(UFRJ) : "o papel das figuras na pratica matématica euclidiana", within the course on History of mathematics (The role of figures in Euclid’s mathematical practice).

- 11th april 2008. Lecture held within the seminar on Foundations of mathematics (prof. Carlos J. Alvarez), UNAM, Mexico City : " Descartes et la quadrature du cercle ".

- 25 -27th October 2007. Conference SISM (Società Italiana di Storia delle Matematiche), Paris, Institut Henri Poincaré. Communication : " Observations sur le rôle des figures dans la pratique mathématique euclidienne" (Observations on the role of figures in Euclid’s mathematical practice).

- 2 - 4th June 2005. ECAP (European Computing and Philosophy Conference), Department of Information and Communication, Malardalen University, Vasteras. Communication : "The ontology of geometrical objects in Poincaré’s philosophy of geometry".

Organization of Colloquia, Event...

- Co-organizer, with David Rabouin, of the seminar "Problèmes d’impossibilité en mathématiques", 22nd November 2010.


- Crippa D., To Prove the Evident : On the Inferential Role of Euclidean Diagrams, Teorie Vědy (Theory of Science), Vol. 31, No 2 (2009).

- Crippa D., A Prova Cartesiana da Quadratura do Circulo (forthcoming), Scientiae Studia.