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Accueil > Publications > Ouvrages parus > L’analogie dans les techniques

L’analogie dans les techniques

Directors : Sophie A. de Beaune, Liliane Hilaire-Pérez, Koen Vermeir (CNRS, SPHERE)

How did Leonardo invent his flight machines ? How have methods of weaving been transposed into warfare techniques, milling tools or in the manufacture of cosmetics ? How to understand the relationships between prehistoric artifacts without textual sources ? How could mechanization be mechanized, reductions in art to "reasoning by case" ? The starting point of this book is that analogy plays a crucial role in the invention, circulation and appropriation of techniques. It is also a powerful reason for rationalization and understanding of techniques according to operative logic, along with genetic, structural or functional analogy. These resonances justify this multidisciplinary work bringing together historians of techniques, archaeologists, cognitive psychologists, art historians, museographers, philosophers of techniques, computer scientists and theorists of analogy.

: : CNRS Editions 

: : Topic : History of Science and Technics
: : Serie : CNRS Alpha
: : 15/12/2017
: : ISBN : 978-2-271-08241-1

Sophie A. de Beaune is Professor at the University of Lyon and Researcher at the Laboratory « Archéologies et Sciences de l’Antiquité » in Nanterre.

Liliane Hilaire-Pérez is Professor of History of Modern Age at the University Paris Diderot and research Director at the EHESS.

Koen Vermeir is researcher at CNRS (Laboratoire SPHERE, UMR 7219, Universitey Paris Diderot, USPC) and member of the Global Young Academy.

TABLE OF CONTENTS : to download (213Ko)