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PhD Candidate in philosophy

Me contacter

- Cursus
- Themes of research
- Publications
- Communications
- Diffusion of knowledge


Since november 2014  : PhD student in philosophy. Supervisor : Marie Gaille. Title : « The epistemological challenge raised by deep brain stimulation : toward a new frame of analysis and knowledge », Speciality : Epistemology, History and Philosophy of sciences, Université Paris 7 Diderot.

2013-2014  : Master 2 ETHIRES - (Ethics, Social and Environnemental Responsabilities) – Master in Applied Philosophy - Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Paris. Report’s title : « What raises the deep brain stimulation ». Traineeship observation in Medical Ethics and Clinical research - St Joseph Hospital, Paris (APHP). Under the scientific supervisation of Mathieu Zuber, Professor and Hospital Doctor (5 month).

2012-2013 : Master 1 Philosophie – Speciality « Philosophy et Society : sociology and anthropology of techniques ». Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Paris.


My French thesis in philosophy is entitled : “La stimulation cérébrale profonde : pratique de changement de regards et de savoirs / Deep brain stimulation (DBS) : practice of changing looks and knowledge ». It studies the practice and effects of DBS on Parkinson’s patients. Created in 1987, this practice was first developed to treat some Parkinson’s patients for whom the treatment with L-DOPA had lost its efficiency. Since the turn of the millennium, DBS has also been used to treat dystonia, obsessive-compulsive disorders and Gilles de la Tourette syndroms. Research protocols are currently being developed for various syndroms such as severe depressions, addictions, eating disorders and schizophrenia. France is a pioneer in this field, although this medical shift has taken place at an international scale.

In the French context the neuro-scientific programme has generated much debate on : « Can we reduce the person to its brain ? ». With the aim of arguing in favour of a non-reductionist perspective, I have proposed to study this question not on the basis of this scientific programme, but directly on the basis of the discourses of patients and physicians, which have been most often absent from the analyses. Therefore, it is a philosophy of medicine project which is centred on care practices and on the patient / physician relationship associated with it. To this perspective I add an approach based on the history and philosophy of techniques, technology and medical practices. Finally, I take into account the “Social subject” theory developed by Alain Ehrenberg, and the « Neuroscepticism » theory elaborated by Denis Forest .
In order to gather some knowledge about patients and physicians discourses, I had the opportunity to observe neurology consultations and lead 20 interviews (September 2015- September 2016) with Parkinson’s patients before and/or after DBS intervention at the La Pitié Salpêtrière Hospital (Paris). These interviews have driven me to the available literature on the subject of care, relationship to the « self », to the status of the brain and techniques in this relationship.


• Book review : Forest Denis, Neuroscepticisme- M. Lancelot, Médecines/Sciences m/s n°12, vol.32, december 2016

• Book review : Canguilhem Georges, Oeuvres complètes Tome IV : Résistance, philosophie biologique et histoire des sciences (1940-1965), M. Lancelot, Revue d’histoire des sciences, Tome 69-2, july-december 2016


• « Prise en charges particulières de maladies neurodégénératives - étude comparée » with Agathe Camus - Journée d’étude de l’axe d’histoire et de philosophie de la médecine du laboratoire SPHERE (14.10.16).

• « Parkinson patients with DBS : What type of « care » are we talking about ? » - « L’expérience vécue du patient » : sens et implications pratiques / « Patient’s lived experience » : what it means and what it implies - Journée d’étude internationale / International Workshop – organised by Marie Gaille for the research programme ANR NormaStim (06.12.16).

• « La stimulation cérébrale profonde : une approche philosophique » / "Deep brain stimulation : a philosophical approach" - Poster presented at the France Parkinson’s international day – Cité des Sciences et de l’Industrie, Paris, 1er avril 2017.

• « Neurodegenerative diseases and global and/or specialized care : practices and discourses » - EACME Annual Conference : Justice in Health Care - Values in conflict. 7-9 September 2017, Barcelona, Spain

• « Dépasser la dichotomie entre corps et technologie : le cas du soin technologique de stimulation cérébrale profonde appliqué à la maladie de Parkinson » - FISO 2017 (Festival International de Sociologie). 18-20 octobre 2017, Epinal, France.


Research programme

Since April 2015

• Research assistant ANR project NormaStim : « Legal, philosophical and social issues in neurosciences : the deep brain stimulation case » ( Scientific management : Sonia Desmoulin-Canselier with the collaboration of Marie Gaille and Baptiste Moutaud. Tasks : Public website (, collaborative Platform of the project’s management and fieldwork on patient’s education coordination.


May 2017

• International mobility - Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics – Oxford University


March 2017 :

• "Innovations en santé : aspects éthiques et sociétaux"
Teaching assistant, Bachelor degree in Sciences and Technology (Université Paris 6 Pierre et Marie Curie) (6h)

October - November 2016 :

• "Prise en charge à vie dans le cadre d’une maladie neurodégénérative : le cas du soin non-guérissant" Teaching in Interdisciplinary curriculum, Bachelor Degree in Sciences and Technology (Université Paris 6 Pierre et Marie Curie) (4h)

• "Introduction à une philosophie des techniques et technologies médicales - application pratique à la stimulation cérébrale profonde" Teaching in Interdisciplinary curriculum, Bachelor Degree in Sciences and Technology (Université Paris 6 Pierre et Marie Curie) (4h)

• Methodology in philosophy - Teaching in Interdisciplinary curriculum, Bachelor Degree in Sciences and Technology (Université Paris 6 Pierre et Marie Curie) (2h)

January - June 2016 :

• "Introduction à l’éthique" / "Ethic introduction" - Teaching assistant in Moral philosophy, Bachelor Degree in Philosophy (Université Paris 4 Sorbonne)(19h)

2014-2016 :

• Private lessons in philosophy and French language, from Primary school to High school – Les Cours Legendre, Paris.